Racing Car NG Motorsport - Credits


In Appreciation Nick Girdlestone would like to take the opportunity to thank the following people for their enormous assistance; and offer absolute appreciation to these people and the countless other supporters for their contribution toward more than 20 years of his racing.

Greg Arnold Mark James Luke Oldfield
Robert Baker Steven Johnson Mark Oldfield
Rex Boardman Graham Jones Kevin Penno
Martin Burrows Phil Jones Robbie Perek
Bill Boswerger Warren Kelly Jurgen Picalo
Clint Boswerger Peter Kencevski Barry Pierce
Darryl Briggs Mark King Peter Pulford
Tracey Bunney Paul King David Robertson
Peter Chapman Annette Korn Wayne Rogers
Scott Cooper Des Korn Dave Sheehan
Allan Crowther David Lander Jay Shepley
Richard Dohnt Don Lannoy Rod Sligar
Max Delaney Peta Lannoy David Smith
Shirl Delaney Rod Lannoy Darrel Stagg
Wayne Denovan Jodie Lannoy Al Starling
Warren Edwards Andrew Lightowler Bruce Stenekes
John Field Michael Livissianos Matt Stocker
Ron Fitness Peter Livissianos Mick Stracy
Claire Forward Phil Marshall David Tapp
Rob Freebody Bob Marskell Andrew Thomas
Murray Gegg John Mason Paul Townsend
Paul Gover Chris Metcalf Howard Turner
Roy Granger Shane Mudford Rob Vidler
Jason Green Ron Murray Mick Whittaker
John Hector Troy Murray Kylie Wyatt
Brian Holbrook Dennis Newlyn Byron Zimmerman
Glen Huberger Lynn Nicholson  
David Hughes Trevor Nicholson  

... and his partner Annette, and daughter Zoe.

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